När Storytellers arbetar med Stories så arbetar vi inte med vilken berättelse som helst. Alltför ofta dras det ett likhetstecken mellan att ”berätta något” och en story. Jag brukar använda mig av det engelska ordet story för att poängtera en skillnad. En story behöver en del komponenter för att kunna klassas som en story. En story är inte att berätta att en kund var nöjd med produkten.
Under en av mina LIA-perioder lade jag upp en Story-collecting-plan på Honda. I mitt förslag definierade jag även vad en bra story innebär och lyfte fram ett exempel för att sätta det i ett förståeligt sammanhang.
To put into context how to think about stories I am going to talk about a very well-known Honda story that took place at the Isle of Man. A strong brand has a core story which is not depending on individual products. For Honda the story of Isle of Man must be the natural core story. This is a story that at least every associate knows about, and probably a great external public as well. The story is set in the very early days of Hondas history.
The company had only existed for 6 years when Mr. Honda decided they were going to attend the big race on the Isle of Man. However the race became a big failure where Honda ended up last. Just a few years later Honda showed up again, this time coming in not only at first place, but also second, third, fourth and sixth!
This story, even in a very concentrated form, tells us why “the power of dreams” is the slogan of Honda. The power of dreams is the message of the story. The story tells us that Honda achieve goals almost impossible to reach. The conflict is presented for us in the failure. It tells us that the Honda way of looking at failure is to learn from it. It tells us about courage, ambition, fresh ideas, developing great engines and achieving goal in a short period of time. It is also an example of what Mr. Honda meant by always aiming for 120% instead of 100%. This story perfectly delivers the hold Honda mentality. As you can see the conflict has a very central role in the story. When stories need to be shortened to fit its forum, one must never cut the conflict. The conflict is what delivers the message.
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